Homeschooling, Home Education

Homeschooling, Home Education


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Home Education


‘Train up a child in the way he should go:

and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’

Proverbs 22:6

Homeschooling – Home Education

God has given us as parents a great responsibility to raise our children according to His word, honor, and pleasure. This is in the best way possible if we as parents provide the upbringing and education to our children. The Bible reads: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’’ (Proverbs 22:6) If you give your children away to someone else, you hand them over to their thinking, doing and leaving. How ‘Christian’ a public school thinks and claims to be, if you take your child there you will lose most of the control of your child.

Just because schools call themselves ‘Christian’ or ‘with the Bible’ does not mean that this is really the case, nor does it mean that the teachers there are Bible believing Christians, i went to ‘Christian’ schools until I was nineteen and there was little (lower-class school) to nothing (middle/high school) Biblical to be found except for a ‘Christmas story’, and I have not even mentioned the ecumenical religion lessons, the Genesis denying physics lessons, the Atheistic religion we come from stones and monkeys and the fairy tale of the spontaneous big bang ‘long long ago’. (1 Timothy 6:20, Colossians 2:8) Looking back (especially high school), it was a place of blasphemy, fornication, and disobedience. This has to do with not constantly having one place of education (home), with one authority (parents) and one guiding book (The Bible).

We also believe that when a child is sent to a public school, the level of thinking remains too childish in the long term, it takes far too long for a child to become an adult, there is too much distraction from other children/youth which have other life goals and future plans (often unbiblical) that differ from the vision of the parents. We also believe that achieving goals is too slow because too little work is done on the child’s personal level, the lesson blocks are divided far too broadly and a lot of time is wasted waiting for ‘the rest of the class’. We think that growing up and being an adult in life happens much faster through homeschooling because there are fewer distractions than in a classroom full of children/youth with a lack of guidance.

The Bible nowhere authorizes or commands us to take our children to a government owned public school and turn our children’s care and education over to secular teaching materials and strangers. After our own experience, we believe that it is therefore better to provide education ourselves.

We understand that once someone has opted for public school it is difficult to deviate from this in the Netherlands, but we believe it is quite a job and a big risk to raise your child ‘in Christ Jesus’ away from home.

In the Bible we can find that parents give instruction:

Proverbs 4:1 ”Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.”

Deuteronomy 6:7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”



Teaching materials:

There is a lot of English material available and more and more Dutch educational publishers also offer the option to order methods. There are schools and educational institutions where you can purchase workbooks, textbooks and teacher’s manuals, and home teachers also sell second-hand materials among themselves.

You can also prepare your own material, you do not need a curriculum if you do not want it and prefer to prepare teaching material yourself.

Nice and useful web shops:


We strongly recommend that you submit the notification for home education to the municipality (education officer) at the town hall in close cooperation with the, become a member of the association and submit the notification together with the association, otherwise there is a very good chance that the notification for home education is going to fail, the legislation is not the same every year, the notification must be done correctly.

It is best to hand in the letter to the municipality / education officer describing the announcement to start homeschooling at the municipality before your child turns 5 years old. If your children already go to a public school, it is a little more difficult to get them out of school. But still possible.

Deliver the letter to the municipality in your town or city and ask for confirmation of receipt. Sometimes there is one umbrella municipality/city which has 1 compulsory education officer for several smaller villages. The letter should therefore not be sent to your village, but to the bigger city / town hall.

You may be asked to have a telephone conversation, but you may kindly refuse. You have the right not to mention your beliefs or not to have them recorded in writing by stating this and you would be wise not to do so. If you do this, unreasonable discussions may arise which will end in an endless discussion and (unlawful) rejection.

Some villages have an easier time with giving permission than others, Belgium is also an option, where it is always allowed to provide homeschooling, America is also an option.

(Dutch version) Brief voor aan de gemeente:

…Naam ouders… …Adres ouders…

Aan College van burgemeester en wethouders van de gemeente … … t.a.v. de Leerplichtambtenaar

…Adres gemeentehuis…

Onderwerp: beroep op vrijstelling van schoolinschrijving voor het schooljaar …2024 / 2025… Plaats van schrijven…… , Datum……

Geacht College, Geachte Leerplichtambtenaar,
Wij zijn de ouders van …Naam kind…, geboren op …datum… . …Naam kind… heeft BSN

………, is van het … … geslacht en woont aan het bovengenoemde adres.

Wij geven hierbij kennis dat wij voor …Naam kind… op grond van artikel 5 sub b van de Leerplichtwet aanspraak maken op vrijstelling van de verplichting tot inschrijving van …Naam kind… als leerling van een school onderscheidenlijk een instelling voor het bovenvermelde schooljaar.

Wij verklaren dat wij overwegende bedenkingen hebben tegen de richting van het onderwijs op alle binnen redelijke afstand van onze woning gelegen scholen onderscheidenlijk instellingen waarop … Naam kind… geplaatst zou kunnen worden.

Wij zijn ons ervan bewust dat ons kind natuurlijk goed onderwijs moet krijgen en daartoe hebben wij dan ook maatregelen getroffen.


Naam vader Naam moeder

Handtekening vader Handtekening moeder

(English version) Letter for the attendance officer / town hall (Leerplichtambtenaar):

…Name of parents… …Address of parents…

To the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the municipality… …attn. the Compulsory Education Officer

…Address of town hall…

Subject: appeal for exemption from school registration for the school year…2024 / 2025… Place of writing …… , Date……

Dear College, Dear Compulsory Education Officer, (Leerplichtambtenaar)

We are the parents of …Name of child…, born on …date… . …Child’s name… has BSN………, is of the… … gender and lives at the above address.

We hereby give notice that for …Name of child… on the basis of Article 5 sub b of the Compulsory Education Act (artikel 5 sub b van de Leerplichtwet) we claim an exemption from the obligation to register …Name of child… as a student of a school or an institution for the above-mentioned school year.

We declare that we have serious reservations about the direction of education at all schools or institutions located within a reasonable distance of our home where …Name of child…could be placed.

We are aware that our child must of course receive good education and we have taken measures to this end.

Yours sincerely,

Father’s name.. Mother’s name..

Father ‘s signature.. Mother’s signature..

(2024) See the most current letter for the attendance officer / town hall (Leerplichtambtenaar):

Additional (it is better to omit this information, consult with the home education association first) (

Deviates fundamentally and in essence, i.e. in direction, from our faith, (levensovertuiging).

At all schools within a reasonable distance, we do not find a school that in essence, i.e. in terms of direction, corresponds or is in line with our faith, (levensovertuiging).

It is not so much about certain aspects of the schools. It concerns the principles and basic values of education, the vision of the school. This is a fundamental matter for us, it goes to the core for us. We do not discover the same foundation as we have at the schools in the area. As a result, it is not sufficient if a school were to make certain additions to their vision.

Any adjustments to the direction of the existing schools, so that it is in line with our beliefs and we can register our child, would be so significant that this cannot reasonably be expected.

Success with homeschooling

Health and Family series

King James Bible 1611 ministries Netherlands